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USA; Postdoctoral fellowship in research and biomedical education

Written by LOWONGAN KERJA TERBARU on 15:22

Vanderbilt Scientist-Educator IRACDA Program

The Vanderbilt Scientist-Educator Program trains postdoctoral fellows to be leaders in both biomedical education and research. During the three-year fellowship, individuals perform independent, cutting-edge research under the supervision of a faculty mentor. At the same time, they learn the practice of teaching gross anatomy, neuroscience, and cell and tissue biology. The program seeks to address the critical national need for medical educators, as well as foster the development of fellows interested in careers in academic medicine.  This program is funded by an award from the NIH in the IRACDA initiative.

To address the national need for anatomist educators, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine has created the Vanderbilt Scientist-Educator Program. The program aims to develop both the basic science research skills and the pedagogical expertise of individuals who desire to be biomedical researchers and educators. This uniquely designed program combines first-rate fundamental basic science research with hands-on training in medical education. Due to the urgent need for gross anatomy educators, the program has historically focused on training fellows in medical gross anatomy, however, in 2008, a medical neurosciences track was added.

Postdoctoral fellows are recruited for a three-year combined research and teaching position. Throughout the duration of the program, fellows are immersed in an independent basic science research project under the supervision of a faculty mentor with concurrent participation in the School of Medicine 's gross anatomy course or medical neurosciences course.

Support and Benefits
Fellows are compensated at the level set by the National Institutes of Health. Fellows' stipends are paid by the Dean's Office at the School of Medicine , which contributes 25% towards the expense of the stipend, and the fellows' sponsoring laboratory, which contributes 75%.

Fellows' professional benefit packages are consistent with the benefits of all postdoctoral fellows at Vanderbilt University.  For a full description of health, dental, life insurance, disability, and retirement benefits, please visit

To apply: STEP 1:
To be considered for a postdoctoral fellowship in the Vanderbilt Scientist-Educator Program, please submit your materials using the following link:

You will be able to upload your CV, cover letter, and list of potential mentors using the online submission form.

For a searchable list of all research faculty and their research interests, you may visit the Vanderbilt faculty database website at

Once you have completed the online form, please have three letters of reference sent by e-mail to These letters must come directly from the faculty member's e-mail address.

 All application materials should be received by  March 15, 2009.

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  1. 1 comments: Responses to “ USA; Postdoctoral fellowship in research and biomedical education ”

  2. By Unknown on 16 January 2010 at 15:29

    Awesome post. Kind of Fellowship program quite helpful for medical students.

    biomedical engineer

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